Business development can be challenging and sometimes you need someone to give you guidance, resources, or to just listen to your ideas or roadblocks. Entrepreneurial coaching provides you with a trained, impartial coach that will be a sounding board for your ideas, share time-saving resources, and sharpen your focus on reaching business goals. 

“Entrepreneurs question the status quo; they recognize opportunities for addressing needs, problems, and wants that others may not see. They are the backbone of every community’s economy".

'Cultivating Entrepreneurship'

An entrepreneurial coaching session is free of charge and all individuals interested in growing their business are invited to participate. 

The University of Maryland’s Entrepreneurial Coaching Team for farm and food entrepreneurs has daytime and evening appointments available online. Each appointment is scheduled for 45 minutes in a virtual meeting room using Zoom. When you schedule your first coaching session, you will receive instructions on how to join your scheduled meeting. 

How to Schedule 

  1. Review coaches' bios and find a coach that is the best fit for your entrepreneurial needs
  2. Complete an intake form by clicking on the Client Intake Form link below. This information is confidential and provides us with your contact information and a little about your ideas and goals.
  3. After you complete the intake form a coach will be in contact with you shortly to schedule your virtual session. 

The University of Maryland’s Entrepreneurial Coaching Team for farm and food entrepreneurs has virtual appointments available. Each appointment is scheduled for 45 minutes. You will meet with your coach in a virtual meeting room using Zoom. Please complete a brief intake form so your coach can be better prepared to discuss your unique situation.

Client Intake Form

UME Website

This work is supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, award number 2021-49400-35619.